
In the present paper, the combustion process and emission formation in the ister 8.1 I.D.I Diesel engine have been investigated using a Computational luid Dynamics (CFD) code. The utilized model includes detailed spray tomization, mixture formation and distribution model which enable odeling the combustion process in spray/wall and spray/swirl interactions long with flow configurations. The analysis considers both part load and ull load states. The global properties are presented separately resolved for he swirl chamber (pre-chamber) and the main chamber. The results of odel verify the fact that the equal amount of the fuel is burned in the main nd pre-chamber at full load state while at part load the majority of the fuel s burned in the main chamber. Also, it is shown that the adherence of fuel pray on the pre-chamber walls is due to formation of a stagnation zone hich prevents quick spray evaporation and plays an important role in the ncrease of soot mass fractions at this zone at full load conditions. The imulation results, such as the mean in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate nd exhaust emissions are compared with the experimental data and show ood agreement. This work also demonstrates the usefulness of multidimensional odeling for complex chamber geometries, such as in I.D.I iesel engines, to gain more insight into the flow field, combustion process nd emission formation.


  • Submission Date2011-12-18
  • Revision Date2012-04-08
  • Acceptance Date2012-04-20

DOI Reference



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Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages11 -23