
The paper deals with the modelling of heat conduction in periodically stratified composites with slant layering to boundaries. The relations of the homogenized model with microlocal parameters for the case of layering parallel to the boundary are transformed to conform to requirements of the composite geometry. The plane problem of periodically stratified half-space with slant layering heated by given boundary temperature is solved analytically. The obtained results are analysed and compared with the solutions for special cases: (1) homogenized half-space, (2) half-space with parallel layering to the boundary, (3) half-space with vertical layering to the boundary.


  • Submission Date2012-06-19
  • Revision Date2013-01-14
  • Acceptance Date2013-02-27
  • Online Date2013-04-13

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Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages83 -94