
A new configuration for space radiator is proposed introducing a fin of regular hollow pyramidal shape with triangular cross section, giving a higher improvement in heat loss per unit mass than that of other corresponding configurations previously proposed under same working conditions. The significance of the present configuration and its advantage over other regular hollow configurations are discussed and effect of various design parameters on heat transfer is analyzed in presence of radiation interaction with an isothermal base attached to it. Optimum parameters are identified for which improvement in heat loss per unit mass is the maximum. It is found that the fin efficiency decreases with increase in the emissivity & height of the fin and increases with increase in thickness & top radius of the fin. Correlations are presented for optimum design parameters, optimum improvement in heat loss per unit mass and fin efficiency.


  • Submission Date2012-06-17
  • Revision Date2013-06-17
  • Acceptance Date2013-07-15
  • Online Date2014-04-05

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Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages59 -68