Flow and heat transfer characteristics around an elliptic cylinder placed in front of a curved plate


An experimental investigation has been conducted to clarify heat transfer characteristics and flow behaviors around an elliptic cylinder. Also, flow visualization was carried out to clarify the flow patterns around the cylinder. The elliptic cylinder examined has an axis ratio of 1:2.17, was placed in the focus of parabolic plate. The test fluid is air and the Reynolds number based on the major axis length, c, ranged from 5 x 103 to 3 x 104. The angle of attack (α) was changed from 0o to 90o at 15o interval. It is found that the pressure distribution, form drag, location of separation point, and heat transfer coefficient depend strongly upon the angle of attack. Over the Reynolds number range examined, the mean heat transfer coefficient is at its highest at α = 60o - 90o. The values of heat transfer coefficient in the case of free cylinder are higher than those for cylinder/plate combination at all angles of attack and Reynolds number range examined.


  • Submission Date2012-03-07
  • Revision Date2012-03-14
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-27

DOI Reference



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Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages465 -478