
A scenario on double-skin façade fire was identified earlier for hazard ssessment. A flashover room fire occurred next to the façade, broke the nterior glass pane and spread to the façade cavity. As observed in xperiments, hot gas moved up as a vertical channel flow for narrow façade avity. Heat and smoke spread along the narrow air cavity of a ouble-skin façade will be studied in this paper. A simple mathematical odel is developed from basic heat transfer theory for studying the vertical ir temperature profiles of the hot gas flowing along the cavity. Assuming ne-dimensional flow for hot gas moving up the façade cavity, conservation quations on mass and enthalpy were solved. Experimental results on two ouble-skin façade rigs of height 6 m and 15 m with narrow cavity depth ere used to justify the results. A total of 11 tests were carried out. orrelation expressions between cavity air temperature and the height bove ceiling of the fire room were derived.


  • Submission Date2011-09-18
  • Revision Date2012-04-13
  • Acceptance Date2012-04-28

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Volume 18, Issue 12, Pages405 -416