
In the present work, the performance and pollutant emissions in a spark ignition engine has been numerically investigated. For this purpose, the coupled KIVA code with CHEMKIN is used to predict the thermodynamic state of the cylinder charge during each cycle. Computations were carried out for a four cylinder, four strokes, multi point injection system (XU7 engine). Numerical cases have been performed up to 30% vol. of ethanol. Engine simulations are carried out at 2000, 2500 and 3000 rpm and full load condition. The numerical results showed that pollutant emissions reduce with increase in ethanol content. Based on engine performance, the most suitable fraction of ethanol in the blend was found to be nearly 15% for the XU7 engine.


  • Submission Date2012-10-05
  • Revision Date2013-03-31
  • Acceptance Date2013-06-05
  • Online Date2013-07-06

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Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages29 -38