
The practical combustion systems such as combustion furnaces, gas turbine, ngines, etc. employ non-premixed combustion due to its better flame tability, safety, and wide operating range as compared to premixed ombustion. The present numerical study characterizes the turbulent flame f methane-air in a coaxial burner in order to determine the effect of airflow n the distribution of temperature, on gas consumption and on the emission f NOx. The results in this study are obtained by simulation on FLUENT ode. The results demonstrate the influence of different parameters on the lame structure, temperature distribution and gas emissions, such as urbulence, fuel jet velocity, air jet velocity, equivalence ratio and mixture raction. The lift-off height for a fixed fuel jet velocity is observed to increase onotonically with air jet velocity. Temperature and NOx emission decrease f important values with the equivalence ratio, it is maximum about the nity.


  • Submission Date2011-06-09
  • Revision Date2012-02-18
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-11

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Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages1207 -1219