
This paper presents technical and financial models which were developed n this study to predict the overall performance of combined cycle gas urbine plant in line with the needs of independent power producers in the iberalized market of power sector. Three similar sizes of combined cycle as turbine power projects up to 200 Megawatt of independent power roducers in Pakistan were selected in-order to develop and drive the basic ssumptions for the inputs of the models in view of prevailing Government f Pakistan's two components of electricity purchasing tariff that is energy urchase price and capacity purchase price at higher voltage grid station erminal from independent power producers. The levelized electricity urchasing tariff over life of plant on gaseous fuel at 60 percent plant load actor was 6.47 cent per kilowatt hour with energy purchase price and apacity purchase prices of 3.54 and 2.93 cents per kilowatt hour espectively. The outcome of technical models of gas turbine, steam turbine nd combined cycle gas turbine power were found in close agreement with he projects under consideration and provides opportunity of evaluation of echnical and financial aspects of combined cycle power plant in a more implified manner with relatively accurate results. At 105 Celsius exit emperature of heat recovery steam generator flue gases the net efficiency f combined cycle gas turbine was 48.8 percent whereas at 125 Celsius exit emperature of heat recovery steam generator flue gases it was 48.0 ercent. Sensitivity analysis of selected influential components of electricity ariff was also carried out.


  • Submission Date2011-02-06
  • Revision Date2012-02-25
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-11

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Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages931 -942