
The inverse blackbody radiation problem is focused on determining temperature istribution of a blackbody from measured total radiated power spectrum. This roblem consists of solving a first kind of Fredholm integral equation and many umerical methods have been proposed. In this paper, a regularized GMRES method is resented to solve the linear ill-posed problem caused by the discretization of such an ntegral equation. This method projects the orignal problem onto a lower dimensional ubspaces by the Arnoldi process. Tikhonov regularization combined with GCV riterion is applied to stabilize the numerical iteration process. Three numerical xamples indicate the effectiveness of the regularized GMRES method.


  • Submission Date2011-03-16
  • Revision Date2012-04-19
  • Acceptance Date1970-01-01

DOI Reference



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Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages847 -852