Numerical simulation of the solar thermal energy storage system for domestic hot water supply located in south Spain


Nowadays, due to increase in energy consumption, a great deal of fossil uels is being used. This latter is a consequence of the present environmental roblems, such as global warming, acid rain, etc. In order to decrease these roblems, the use of renewable energy sources is being promoted. But the enewable energy sources, particularly solar energy, present the drawback hat there is a mismatch between the energy demand and supply. To cover his mismatch, the use of phase change thermal energy storage systems is equired. In this work, the behaviour of a packed bed latent heat thermal nergy storage system cooperating with solar collector located in south pain was analysed by using a numerical method which based on Finite olume discretization and Enthalpy Method. The model was validated by omparing obtained results with experimental data reported in the iterature. The packed bed was composed of spherical capsules filled with hase change materials usable for a solar water heating system. The system as designed according to the conditions in the south Spain and by using ommercial components available on the market. A series of numerical imulations were conducted applying meteorological data for several onths in south Spain, particularly in Málaga.


  • Submission Date2011-12-16
  • Revision Date2012-03-02
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-11

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Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages431 -442