
The traditional mechanical fuel supply system has already been o way to satisfy the requirement of more stringent fuel consumption and mission legislation. For the past few years, it has been the hot topic to mprove combustion and emission performance of diesel engine through ptimizing the fuel injection strategy. All kinds of spray, combustion and mission models were studied and then a new 3D spray model coupled with he cavitating flow inside the nozzle was put forward to well consider the rimary atomization induced by cavitating flow and turbulence in nozzle oles. The model, combined with combustion and emission models were used or simulating the single-injection combustion of 1015 diesel engine and alidated through comparing the results from simulation with those from xperiment. With the above verified models, different injection strategies ere further investigated to reveal the effect of pilot injection (PI) timing, uantity and main injection (MI) timing on combustion noise and exhaust mission of diesel engine.


  • Submission Date2012-06-03
  • Revision Date2012-08-02
  • Acceptance Date2012-09-09

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Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages81 -90