From the Editor-in-Chief, issue 2013/1


Editorial Board of the journal Thermal Science paid continual attention to the research of the thermal processes in internal combustion engines, since, motor vehicles of different kind and purposes, and transportation in general, have greatest share in overall fossil fuel consumption and environmental pollution. This is already a fifth of the journal Thermal Science, dedicated to the recent research of the processes in internal combustion engines. Unfortunately, due to the large number of papers submitted and accepted for publication, we have been forced to move this IC issue, from regular forth issue in 2012, to the first issue, No. 1, in 2013. Guest editor, Prof. Stojan Petrović succeeded, by appropriate choice of the papers, to move emphases of this set of papers, from testing different biofuel blends to fundamental research of the flow, fuel injection, combustion and thermal processes in combustion chambers. I am sure that such choice will be more interesting for researchers and designers and for readers in general. This is, also, in line with the general policy of the journal Thermal Science, to support, in all fields of the research of thermal processes, those papers which present scientific results contributing to the general efforts of the science - to increase energy efficiency, to decrease of energy consumption in general (and decrease of the fossil fuel consumption, in particular), and to approach whole human activities to the sustainability. We believe that such publishing policy of the journal Thermal Science is the main reason of constant increase of the journals' Impact factor. Presently, unofficial value of our Impact factor is 1.2. We believe that official value in June 2013 will be also so high.




    Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages0 -0