
Temporal stability analysis of fiber suspended shear flow is performed. After introducing he second order structure tensor to determine the Folgar-Tucker inter- iber interactions based on the Langevin's equation, a system governing the low stability is derived in conjunction with the fiber orientation closure. Effect of he inter-fiber interactions on the dynamic stability is studied by solving the general igenvalue problem. Results show that fiber interaction has significant stabilizing ffects on the flow. The most unstable wave number changes with the interaction oefficient. For given interaction coefficient, wave number and other relevant arameters, there is a Re number which corresponds to the critical flow. his Re number is related to the wave number.


  • Submission Date2012-08-01
  • Revision Date2012-08-23
  • Acceptance Date2012-09-02

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages1551 -1555