
Decreasing friction force between a swimming suit and water is the key factor to design wimming suits. Water continuum mechanics forbids discontinuous fluids, but in ngstrom scale water is indeed discontinuous. Swimming suit is smooth on large cale, but it is discontinuous when the scale becomes smaller. If fractal dimensions of wimming suit and water are the same, a minimum of friction force is predicted, hich means fractal harmonization. In the paper, fractal harmonic law is introduced o design a swimsuit whose surface fractal dimensions on a macroscopic scale should e equal to or closed to the water's fractal dimensions on an Angstrom scale. Various ossible microstructures of fabric are analyzed and a method to obtain perfect fractal tructure of fabric is proposed by spraying nanofibers to its surface. The fractal harmonic aw can be used to design a moving surface with a minimal friction.


  • Submission Date2012-05-01
  • Revision Date2012-08-01
  • Acceptance Date2012-08-15

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Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages1467 -1471