
In this paper, the anomalous diffraction approximation method is improved for alculating the extinction efficiency of non-spherical particles. Through this step, he range of the refractive index of particles can be enlarged, and the improved nomalous diffraction approximation method can be applied easily to the calculation f extinction efficiency for the most kinds of non-spherical particles. eanwhile, an optimal wavelength selection algorithm is proposed for the inversion f non-spherical particle size distribution in the dependent mode. Through he improved anomalous diffraction approximation method, the computation time s substantially reduced compared with the rigorous methods, and a more accurate nversion result of particle size distribution is obtained using the optimal avelength selection method.


  • Submission Date2012-08-01
  • Revision Date2012-09-03
  • Acceptance Date2012-09-12

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Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages1353 -1357