NOx and SO2 emission factors for Serbian lignite Kolubara


Emission factors are widely accepted tool for estimation of various ollutants emissions in USA and EU. Validity of emission factors is strongly elated to experimental data on which they are based. This paper is a result f an effort to establish reliable NOx and SO2 emission factors for Serbian oals. The results of NOx and SO2 emissions estimations based on USA and U emission factors from thermal power plants Nikola Tesla Obrenovac A nd B utilizing the Serbian lignite Kolubara are compared with experimental ata obtained during almost one decade (2000-2008) of emissions easurements. Experimental data are provided from regular annual missions measurement along with operational parameters of the boiler and oal (lignite Kolubara) ultimate and proximate analysis. Significant eviations of estimated from experimental data were observed for NOx, while he results for SO2 were satisfactory. Afterwards, the estimated and xperimental data were plotted and linear regression between them stablished. Single parameter optimization was performed targeting the deal slope of the regression line. Results of this optimization provided riginal NOx and SO2 emission factors for Kolubara lignite.


  • Submission Date2012-03-19
  • Revision Date2012-03-28
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-30

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Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages1213 -1228