Upgrade of a transverse ventilation system in a bi-directional tunnel


The Karavanke tunnel forms an important link between Slovenia and ustria. The almost 8 km long tunnel is operated with bi-directional raffic and does not have dedicated escape routes. Moreover, the entilation in case of fire does not satisfy requirements of the EU irective 2004/54/EC that specifies the minimum requirements for unnels in the trans-European road network. The paper present results f the research conducted regarding the possibility of upgrade the xisting system in order to reach the required level of safety at lower osts possible. It is shown that with simple but novel adaptations of he ventilation system, a sizeable increase in the overall level of safety an be achieved. The methodology applied is a combination of a imple pipe model for tunnel ventilation and for detailed fluid ynamics analysis the CFD model is used. The existing ventilation ystem that in fire ventilation extracts smoke from a single duct is eplaced with the smoke extraction from both ducts applying four xial fans. The analysis is focused on air/smoke flow through the vents nd ducts and on pressure drops calculated over the length of the entilation duct and its influence on the total flow. The change of the low condition also has influence on ventilation fan operation point hat is investigated in the paper as well.


  • Submission Date2012-02-12
  • Revision Date2012-03-23
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-23

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages1067 -1080