
In this paper a new method for burned mass fraction - pressure relation, x-p elation, for two-zone model combustion calculation is developed. The main pplication of the two-zone model is obtaining laminar burning velocity, SL, y using a pressure history from a closed vessel combustion experiment. The inear x-p relation by Lewis and Von Elbe is still widely used. For linear x-p elation, the end pressure is necessary as input data for the description of he combustion process. In this paper a new x-p relation is presented on the asis of mass and energy conservation during the combustion. In order to orrectly represent pressure evolution, the model proposed in this paper eeds several input parameters. They were obtained from different sources, ike the PREMIX software (with GRIMECH 3.0 mechanism) and GASEQ oftware, as well as thermodynamic tables. The error analysis is presented n regard to the input parameters. The proposed model is validated against he experiment by Dahoe and Goey, and compared with linear x-p relation rom Lewis and Von Elbe. The proposed two zone model shows sufficient ccuracy when describing the combustion process in a closed vessel without nowing the end pressure in advance, i.e. both peak pressure and ombustion rates can be sufficiently correctly captured


  • Submission Date2011-09-16
  • Revision Date2012-01-12
  • Acceptance Date2012-01-16

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages561 -572