
In this paper an investigation of mixed convection from vertical heated hannel is undertaken. The aim is to explore the heat transfer obtained by dding a forced flow, issued from a flat nozzle located in the entry section of channel, to the up-going fluid along its walls. Forced and free convection re combined studied in order to increase the cooling requirements. The tudy deals with both symmetrically and asymmetrically heated channel. The eynolds number based on the nozzle width and the jet velocity is assumed to e 3 103 and 2.104; whereas, the Rayleigh number based on the channel ength and the wall temperature difference varies from 2.57 1010 to 5.15 1012. he heating asymmetry effect on the flow development including the mean elocity and temperature the local Nusselt number, the mass flow rate and eat transfer are examined.


  • Submission Date2009-04-03
  • Revision Date2012-01-12
  • Acceptance Date2012-01-16

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Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages503 -512