
The paper presents an application of the Finite Elements Method for stress and train analysis of the hot water boiler structure. The aim of the research was to nvestigate the influence of the boiler scale on the thermal stresses and strains of he structure of hot water boilers. Results show that maximum thermal stresses ppear in the zone of the pipe carrying wall of the first reversing chamber. This ndicates that the most critical part of the boiler are weld spots of the smoke ipes and pipe carrying plate, which in the case of significant scale deposits can ead to cracks in the welds and water leakage from the boiler. The nonlinear ffects were taken into account by defining the bilinear isotropic hardening odel for all boiler elements. Temperature dependency was defined for all elevant material properties, i. e. isotropic coefficient of thermal expansion, oung's modulus, and isotropic thermal conductivity. The verification of the FEA odel was performed by comparing the measured deformations of the hot water oiler with the simulation results. As a reference object, a Viessmann - Vitomax 00 HW boiler was used, with the installed power of 18.2 MW. CAD modeling as done within the Autodesk Inventor, and stress and strain analysis was erformed in the ANSYS Software.


  • Submission Date2012-05-03
  • Revision Date2012-07-02
  • Acceptance Date2012-07-10

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages387 -398