
Heat generation is a complex process of transformation of a specific type of nergy into heat. During friction stir welding, one part of mechanical energy elivered to the welding tool is consumed in the welding process, another is used or deformational processes etc., and the rest of the energy is transformed into eat. The analytical procedure for the estimation of heat generated during riction stir welding is very complex because it includes a significant number of ariables and parameters, and many of them cannot be fully mathematically xplained. Because of that, the analytical model for the estimation of heat enerated during friction stir welding defines variables and parameters that ominantly affect heat generation. These parameters are numerous and some of hem, e. g. loads, friction coefficient, torque, temperature, are estimated xperimentally. Due to the complex geometry of the friction stir welding process nd requirements of the measuring equipment, adequate measuring onfigurations and specific constructional solutions that provide adequate easuring positions are necessary. This paper gives an overview of the process f heat generation during friction stir welding, the most influencing parameters n heat generation, constructional solutions for the measuring equipment needed or these experimental researches and examples of measured values.


  • Submission Date2012-04-30
  • Revision Date2012-07-26
  • Acceptance Date2012-08-02

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages351 -362