
Low-pressure axial fan impellers designed according to the principle of equal pecific work of all elementary stages have blades whose profile near the fan hub s under a significantly larger inclination angle than at the impeller periphery. In rder to minimize the spatial curvature of the fan blades and the fan hub length, mpeller blades of low-pressure axial fans can be designed with different specific ork of elementary stages, so that the specific work of elementary stages is maller at the hub than at the periphery. This paper presents the operating haracteristics of a low-pressure reversible axial fan with straight blade profiles, esigned with different specific work of elementary stages. The fan was tested on standard test rig, with air intake loading on the suction side of the fan.


  • Submission Date2012-05-03
  • Revision Date2012-07-04
  • Acceptance Date2012-07-12

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages605 -615