
Co-generation systems, together with absorption refrigeration and thermal torage, can result in substantial benefits from the economic, energy and nvironmental point of view. Optimization of operation of such systems is mportant as a component of the entire optimization process in pre-construction hases, but also for short-term energy production planning and system control. his paper proposes an approach for operational optimization of energy supply ystems with small or medium scale co-generation, additional boilers and heat umps, absorption and compression refrigeration, thermal energy storage and nterconnection to the electric utility grid. In this case, the objective is to inimize annual costs related to the plant operation. The optimization problem is efined as mixed integer nonlinear and solved combining modern stochastic echniques: genetic algorithms and simulated annealing with linear rogramming using the object oriented "ESO-MS" software solution for imulation and optimization of energy supply systems, developed as a part of this esearch. This approach is applied to optimize a hypothetical plant that might be sed to supply a real residential settlement in Niš, Serbia. Results are compared o the ones obtained after transforming the problem to mixed 0-1 linear and pplying the branch and bound method.


  • Submission Date2012-05-03
  • Revision Date2012-06-20
  • Acceptance Date2012-06-29

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Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages409 -422