
The motivation for this study is the disagreement of statistical and literature data bout potential quantities of biomass in Serbia. This difference is mainly caused y changed status in practice due to several reasons: changes in ownership aused by transition, different application of technologies in practices, rganization of work and economic reasons. he main aim is to precisely establish sorts and amounts of organic biomass in erbia that can be transformed into heat and electricity. o far, data about the quantities of biomass residues in agriculture, forestry and ommunal services have been collected and published. Data collection methods re different and generally based on statistical data. The paper explains in detail ethods of data collection and processing of crop production, fruit growing and iticulture, livestock, forestry and communal services. n the basis of precise data collection, it has been established that there are 26.3 illion tons of biomass residue in Serbia every year. The total amount of biomass s reduced by 20-30% in relation to the period of 10 and more years ago. n the basis of the situation in agriculture and forest production in Serbia, it is stimated that out of the total amount of biomass, some 30-40% can be used for he production of heat energy, electricity and biofuel. The remaining biomass can e used in order to increase soil fertility, as cattle spread, for vegetable roduction, means for polishing in metal industry, for insulation in civil ngineering, in cosmetics industry, production of animal feed, and so on.


  • Submission Date2012-01-17
  • Revision Date2012-02-13
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-22

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Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages79 -86