
Energy systems for consumers' supply with sanitary hot water (SHW) can be onsidered as a separate category of the system with many similar functions, erformances and integral elements. This similarity of energy systems for SHW supply nd the way in which they are used enable systemic planning, proposing and ndertaking measures for improvements and advancements. This is possible not only y the reconstruction and modernization of existing technological solutions but also y their replacement with new, modern and more efficient solutions. he basic idea and the aim of this paper is the development of a concept for ntegrated and upgraded system of SHW supply for different types of buildings from esidential to more complex buildings intended for different purposes. The analysis is ased on the application of a systemic approach adapted to the conditions in urban ommunities and includes only modern but commercial technologies. his paper presents the results of a net energy analysis of integrated central and solar ot water supply system and compares it with the conventional sanitary hot water ystem in the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. he proposed methodology is demonstrated through a simulation example. It is shown hat 23% reduction in the total system's costs can be achieved as compared to the xisting solution. Also, the methodology is applied to a residential block as a unit and btained results indicate that investments in the development and construction of ntegrated systems are justified.


  • Submission Date2012-01-30
  • Revision Date2012-03-27
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-30

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Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages173 -188