
Clean technology or clean production is the most important factor for the conomic growth of a society and it will play the main role not only in the area of leaner production, but also in sustainable development.The development of lean technology will be the main factor of the company's strategy in the future. ach company, which wants to reach the competitive position at the market and ants to be environmentally friendly, has to accept the new approach in orporate management and the strategy of new clean technology. The main rinciples of clean technology are based on the concept of maximum resource nd energy productivity and virtually no waste. his approach may be limited by human resources and the level of their nvironmental knowledge. Companies are committed to the development of the orkers' skills, and thus to the improvement of the company for the full mplementation of the environmental legislation and clean production concept. ased on this commitment, one of Tempus projects is designed to improve the niversity-enterprise cooperation in the process of creating sustainable industry n Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Former Yugoslav Republic of acedonia. o achieve this goal, partner universities will create special courses on ustainable industry and thus enhance the lifelong learning process and ooperation between industry and universities in the Western Balkan countries.


  • Submission Date2012-01-30
  • Revision Date2012-03-27
  • Acceptance Date2012-03-30

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Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages131 -139