
Volumetric 3-component Velocimetry measurements are carried out in the low field around the rear window of a generic car model, the so-called hmed body. This particular flow field is known to be highly unsteady, three imensional and characterized by strong vortices. The volumetric velocity easurements from the present experiments provide the most comprehensive data for this flow field to date. The present study focuses on the wake flow modifications which result from using a simple flow control device, such as the one recently employed by Fourrié et al. [1]. The mean data clearly show the structure of this complex flow and confirm the drag reduction mechanism suggested by Fourrié et al. The results show that strengthening the separated flow leads to weakening the longitudinal vortices and vice versa. The present paper shows that the Volumetric 3-component Velocimetry technique is a powerful tool used for a better understanding of a threedimensional unsteady complex flow such that developing around a bluffbody.


  • Submission Date2011-12-20
  • Revision Date2011-12-20
  • Acceptance Date2012-02-10

DOI Reference



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Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages313 -320