A Performance Analysis of Solar Chimney Thermal Power Systems


The objective of this study was to evaluate the solar chimney performance theoretically (techno-economic). A mathematical model was developed to estimate the following parameter: Power output, Pressure drop across the turbine, the max chimney height, Airflow temperature, and the overall efficiency of solar chimney. The mathematical model was validated with experimental data from the prototype in Manzanares power. It can be concluded that the differential pressure of collector-chimney transition section in the system, is increase with the increase of solar radiation intensity. The specific system costs are between 2000 Eur/kW and 5000 Eur/kW depending on the system size, system concept and storage size. Hence, a 50 MWe solar thermal power plant will cost 100-250 Eur million. At very good sites, today's solar thermal power plants can generate electricity in the range of 0.15 Eur/kWh, and series production could soon bring down these costs below 0.10 Eur /kWh.


  • Submission Date2010-11-10
  • Revision Date2010-11-06
  • Acceptance Date2011-01-26

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Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages619 -642