From the Editor in Chief


It is my honour and pleasure to welcome the new members of the Regional editorial board, Prof. Dragoslav Šumarac, President of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, and Hakan Oztop, Assoc. Prof. at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology Faculty, Fırat University in Turkey, and the new member of the National Editorial Board Maja Todorović, Assist. Prof. at Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia. We need to more strongly orient the journal Thermal Science towards fundamental and applied research papers being basis for engineering activities in implementation of modern methods and new technologies, renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency. I am sure that Prof. Dragoslav Šumarac will give strong support to implement more this policy of the journal Thermal Science. Also, in our editorial boards we have lack of experts in the fields of heat transfer, energy efficiency, and modern energy saving design in buildings. Professor Šumarac, as well as Assist. Prof. Maja Todorović, will help to induce researchers in those fields of research and engineering to submit more papers for publication in the journal. Regional character of the journal Thermal Science will greatly be supported by the membership of Assoc. Prof. Hakan Oztop in Regional Editorial Board. Now we will have opportunity to transfer more information about the journal to the scientific community in Turkey, and also to publish more papers presenting recent scientific results achieved by Turkish scientists.




    Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages0 -0