
In this paper, an inverse analysis is performed for the estimation of radiative parameters from the measured temperature profile in an absorbing, emitting, and anisotropically scattering medium. The control volume finite element method is employed to solve the direct problem in a 3-D rectangular furnace. The inverse problem is formulated as an optimization problem between the calculated and the experimental data and the Levenberg-Marquardt method is used for its solution. The sensitivity analysis is made in order to determine whether it is possible to identify the parameters. Also, the effects of angular and spatial grid numbers and the initial guesses on the accuracy of the inverse problem are investigated. This method combination, which is applied for the first time to solve 3-D inverse radiation problem, has been found to accurately predict the unknown parameters.


  • Submission Date2009-08-24
  • Revision Date2009-09-08
  • Acceptance Date2010-01-18

DOI Reference



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Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages373 -382