
Thermal conductivity values at the temperature of 301-303K have been measured for Zea mays straw board as well as Zea mays heartwood (cork) board. Comparative study of the thermal conductivity values of the boards reveal that Zea mays heartwood board has a lower thermal conductivity value to that of the straw board. The study also shows that the straw board is denser than the heartwood board. Specific heat capacity value is less in value for the heartwood board than the straw board. These parameters also affect the thermal diffusivity as well as thermal absorptivity values for the two types of boards. The result favours the two boards as thermal insulators for thermal envelop but with heartwood board as a preferred insulation material than the straw board.


  • Submission Date2008-05-29
  • Revision Date2008-09-03
  • Acceptance Date2008-10-01

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Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages31 -38