
This paper studies the laminar boundary layer on a body of an arbitrary shape when the ionized gas flow is planar and steady and the wall of the body within the fluid porous. The outer magnetic field is perpendicular to the fluid flow. The inner magnetic and outer electric fields are neglected. The ionized gas electroconductivity is assumed to be a function of the longitudinal velocity gradient. Using transformations, the governing boundary layer equations are brought to a general mathematical model. Based on the obtained numerical solutions in the tabular forms, the behaviour of important non-dimensional quantities and characteristics of the boundary layer is graphically presented. General conclusions about the influence of certain parameters on distribution of the physical quantities in the boundary layer are drawn.


  • Submission Date2009-05-25
  • Revision Date2009-12-13
  • Acceptance Date2010-01-20

DOI Reference



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Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages89 -102