
The advantages of using ceramics in advanced heat engines include increased fuel efficiency due to higher engine operating temperatures, more compact designs with lower capacity cooling system. Future internal combustion engines will be characterized by near zero emission level along with low specific fuel consumption. Homogenous combustion which realized inside the engine cylinder has the potential of providing near zero emission level with better fuel economy. However, the accomplishment of homogeneous combustion depends on the air flow structure inside the combustion chamber, fuel injection conditions and turbulence as well as ignition conditions. Various methods and procedures are being adopted to establish the homogeneous combustion inside the engine cylinder. In recent days, porous ceramic materials are being introduced inside the combustion chamber to achieve the homogeneous combustion. This paper investigates the desirable structures, types, and properties of such porous ceramic materials and their positive influence on the combustion process.


  • Submission Date2008-10-12
  • Revision Date2008-12-29
  • Acceptance Date2009-07-19

DOI Reference



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Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages153 -163