
This paper describes activities and main results of investigation for the Vlasina Wind Project, implemented within National Energy Efficiency Program, segment that deals with alternative and renewable energy sources. The main objective of the project was investigation of possibilities of wind energy generation in mountain areas of the Republic of Serbia. Problems of choice of location, measurement of wind energy potential, choice of type and unit size of Wind Turbine Generators, as well as the interconnection of wind turbine generators and wind power plants to power system are considered.


  • Submission Date2006-09-30
  • Revision Date2006-10-10
  • Acceptance Date2006-12-01


  1. www.ewea.org
  2. Wind Force 12 (May 2004)
  3. FORRES 2020 - Analyses of the EU renewable Energy Sources evolution up to 2020 (Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, April 2005)
  4. Regional Planning of the Vlasina region (Official Herald of Republic of Serbia No. 133/04, November 2004, in Serbian)
  5. Wind Flow Analysis of the Vardenik mountain in the Vlasina region (VTI, Belgrade, July 2004)
  6. Wind Energy Generation for Regional Electricity Supply within Vlasina Region - Feasibility Study Report (NIRC Energoprojekt, January 2006, in Serbian)
  7. Cameron A: Steady as she goes - BTMs World Market Update (Renewable Energy World, July-August 2005, pp 134-145
  8. The Energy Law (Official Herald of Republic of Serbia No. 84/04, August 2004, in Serbian)
Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages143 -151