
Improving me chanical system efficiency is the goal of many engineers and scientists. Commonly, the solutions to these types of problems are uncovered using thermodynamic analysis and optimization. An innovative method for the thermodynamic analysis of a complex energy-intensive system with an arbitrary structure is described in this pa per. The method is based on a novel general equation to calculate the total system exergy efficiency using an exergy flow graph proposed by the authors. Discuss in this paper exergy efficiency and exergy loss models as well this approach allows a user to obtain not only the exergy losses and efficiency of the total system, but also to show the relation ship between the exergy efficiency of an individual element and that of the entire system. An example is provided that employs this method to the thermodynamic analysis of an air refrigerator.


  • Submission Date2004-12-02
  • Revision Date0000-00-00
  • Acceptance Date0000-00-00


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Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages99 -110